Amanda Banas

Massage therapist treating a client.


Established in 2009, Atlantis massage is a wonderful new addition to the small city of Greenfield, MA. Owned and operated as a sole proprietor, Licensed Massage Therapist Amanda Banas has many services to offer to the community. With a wide array of techniques such as Deep Tissue, Swedish, Trigger Point and Hot Stone Therapy you will surely find a treatment suitable for you at Atlantis Massage. Inside the gorgeous office suite you can find yourself first entering into a welcoming waiting room with amenities at your every turn. Invite yourself to tea or water, chocolates and other treats as you wait or post-massage.  Amanda firmly believes in the healing therapeutic aspect of massage and bodywork.  You too can achieve change and pure relaxation. The first step in success is successfully taking care of oneself, a theory oft forgotten. Let Atlantis Massage help you  be your best. 


New Clients booking in the month of July 2010 will receive a small batch, home made organic Essential Oil Salt Scrub. Each with their own aromatherapy benefits. Use on your hands or in the bath to treat yourself at home and in between sessions.


Thank you for your interest in Atlantis Massage.
